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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Possible 35th Birthday Tahiti Trip Part I

Over the last few months, people have been asking me about my plans for Tahiti. I have been ignoring the questions because I did not know how to answer. I have given some line about money being a problem. That is an incomplete answer.

I first thought of going to Tahiti in 2004 or 2005. I was shelving books at the Central Library of The Seattle Public Library. On the cover of a book I shelved was a picture of what I call a bungalow on the water. This was either before or after I turned 30. I saw this book and thought to myself that is where I want to be on my 35th birthday. That gave me five years to plan the trip. I thought that would be enough time.

Money Situation
In 2000, I spent several months not working. I lived on my credit cards for a while. This was a dark period. I was buying drinks at the bar every night. Most of the time I fell asleep in my car. After 2 or 3 months of this, I got a job at the Post Office in Pebble Beach. I was still drinking every night but at least I could start making payments.
Then I moved to Seattle. I did not find a good job for a few months. Then I got a job at Fed Ex on April 1, 2003. This did not let me make any progress on getting the bills paid down. I made minimum payments but got further behind on other bills. After a year and a half of working just at Fed Ex, I got a night job for the 2003 Christmas season at Fred Meyer on Broadway. In March 2004, I got a third job at The Seattle Public Library. April 1, 2004 I left Fed Ex employment. June 2004 I left Fred Meyer employment. This left me just the job at the library. As time progressed, my money situation got better even working the one job at the library.
At the time I thought of the trip I was in serious debt. I was making some good progress on my bills though. By 2008 I was down to one or two bills. All the other bills I had paid off or did not have any information.
Doing the numbers in my head, Tahiti was looking like a probable event.

Then came Summer 2009...........

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