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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thursday May 5, 2009

Today was a good day. I was able to leave work early. I went to the comic shop. I picked up both covers of the G.I. Joe Movie prequel: Baroness. Deadpool #10 came out. And I went up to Lake City to get an oil change for my truck before driving out to Pullman, WA tomorrow after work. Anthony and I got some Wendy's before the oil change. And with a stop at Best Buy and Target in Northgate before going home, I found a Marvel Universe Captain America. I love the figure. It has great articulation and the shield is awesome. Not only does it attach to the wrist with a plastic fold out piece. It has elastic straps so you can put the shield on Cap's back. I need to take pictures of him in all his plastic goodness.

Back of Jay's Truck for today:
Captain America
Deadpool #10
GI Joe Rise of the Cobra: 3 cover A and B
GI Joe Origins: 3 cover A
Wendy's food

Friday, May 1, 2009

Drag Me to Hell

15:00 Sunday afternoon, I went to this movie with Anthony and Jonathan.

Inglorious Bastards

With a commercial of the Transformers Camaro.

The old lady and the grotesque effects that the film makers used were the only thing note worthy about this movie.