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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Free Symphony Day

Sunday I woke up and wanted a Bloody Mary. Being that it was noon by the time I started moving, I went over to the Summit Pub. I got my drink plus a PBR. I got to watch some football and enjoy drinking in the morning. After my second PBR, I received a text to meet someone at the Capitol Hill Farmer’s Market. I went to meet her and while I was waiting, I went and got a slice over at Z’s Pizza. They do a good slice plus a beer for an okay price. I got to watch the end of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and Scary Movie 2. The station that was on was showing movies with Charlie Sheen. The person finally showed up. We left for Benaroya Hall in downtown. The Seattle Symphony was performing and putting on free events all day. I enjoyed seeing the symphony. Plus there was beer in the lobby.

100_6720The Symphony in very casual clothes.

100_6721Full crowd for free day

Seattle School of Rock


Seattle Symphony


At the end of the day, I bought two tickets for Friday October 14. Now I need to find a date.

Listed as Sci-Fi at the Pops with Special Guest Jonathan Frakes.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Bush with Dead Sara at the Neptune Theater

I did not think I was going to go to the show after all. I had not bought tickets. I had not heard from my brother. Yet tickets were still available. I had a great time at the show.

Bush was one of the first concerts I went to as an adult. I was stoked that Bush was coming to Seattle for a show. Listening to them over the last couple of months on the radio was good. Getting to see them live was exciting.

I had a conversation with the Bush merchandise guy about a shirt I used to own. I wonder what happened to it. It was a green shirt that said Bush in the M*A*S*H style. I may have to update this post later if I find a picture of me in that shirt.


100_6691Restroom Stall Door

100_6692Pre- Show


100_6697Mixing Boards100_6698100_6699

100_6700Place to get Alcohol – the Bar


100_6706Justin and Josh

100_6709Bush taking the stage


100_6711Gavin Rossdale






Getting personal with Gavin Rossdale



Glen and some of his Navy buddies joined me for the show. I drank a lot of beer and had fun.  After the concert, we went over to Earl’s on University Avenue.

I passed out on the bus ride home and ended up downtown. I rode the bus back up the hill to get home.