I had just had a deluxe steak burrito from Blue Water Taco. I saw the scale numbers bouncing around so I took off my jacket and started emptying my pockets. With my camera in hand I was able to get the scale to steady at 300. Now this is the same scale I have been using for years. The one time I compared this scale and the scale at the doctor's office, this one tends to be a little heavier. So I would say this scale is plus or minus 4 pounds. Still the lightest I have been since 2004.
That means that since the end of August 2009, I have lost over fifty pounds. During the week the library was closed, I started to come out of my funk. My older brother Mark had visited. Mark and I rented some bicycles. Mark introduced me to some new food. But the real turning point was meeting this one person near the end of the furlough.
I want to thank this certain person I meet. Without this person, I don't think I would have ever achieved this step. I would probably still be sleeping my way through my life.
Of course, I did have to see this very tempting display on my way to buy a Green Machine made by Odwalla. The last time I had a Twix bar was September 2009.
After weighing myself, I seemed to pick up some energy. Of course, that may be because I did just have lunch. But I felt like knowing I got back down to 300 lifted my spirits a little bit.
That is so excellent Jason! Good for you! Keep it going and who knows where you will be by the time you fly to Tahiti!