I was up early this morning and I wanted to walk. That is my new day off activity. It used to be driving around but I need more exercise. First stop today when I finally left around 12:15 was the Capitol Hill Library.
I was returning the items I checked out the day before.
Next stop was in Volunteer Park. I figured since I was walking, I would walk up the Water Tower. A block away from the park, I saw this weird little car.

Next stop was in Volunteer Park. I figured since I was walking, I would walk up the Water Tower. A block away from the park, I saw this weird little car.

Then I got to the Water Tower. Yes, I climbed to the top. Yes, I had to pause at the landings. Hopefully one of these days I can run all the way up.
Views from the top of the Water Tower.
As I left the Water Tower, I found this circular block sitting in the grass. A random block of concrete is always a good find.

Then I ran across these construction guys fixing some steps on a slope.
Then I came across a Greek Orthodox church. Of course, I was going the wrong way and I did not know it at the time.
I should have realized when I passed under the 520 without seeing Montlake Bridge. I finally saw the gas station that is my landmark for the Montlake Bridge and realized that I was walking towards the University Bridge instead of the Montlake Bridge. I got to Eleventh Ave, saw the University Bridge and went, "Fuck, I gotta backtrack."

I made it to Montlake Branch finally. I went in and used an Express Internet Terminal to update Facebook. Just as I was finishing, Emily made an appearance. I was hoping she was working today. Otherwise the backtracking I had to do to get here would not have been worth it.

I got on my way and passed over the Montlake Bridge. I love walking over water. I just have to remember not to jump. I stayed on the east side of the road. On Sunday I was on the west side of the road which includes the Burke Gilman Trail. The East side has Husky Stadium. I caught a Women's Soccer team at practice. When I first saw the field, I could not tell which direction they were playing. It almost looked like they were using four goals at one time. I walked through student parking where they have these crossover bridges from the campus. The bridges had two sets of stairs coming down. I would walk up one set and walk down the other. It was pretty cool.

I made it past the parking. I was across the street from University Village shopping center. I got this picture of a stream that runs under 45th Avenue. I had to wait forever to cross 45th. The light would not change. I had hit the cross signal on one side and then after waiting forever, I walked over and hit the other signal and the light finally changed.

QFC had a special on Gala Apples so I got one. I prefer Red Delicious but a Gala will do if it is cheaper. I ate my apple near the Apple store and then I got some Jamba Juice and a pretzel.
This is the point where I gave up on Sunday and took the bus. I decided that my feet were still doing pretty good so I kept walking. Not sure where I wanted to go but needing new surroundings, I walked up 45th. That is one steep hill that does not seem to end.
Getting to the main part of the University district, I had to walk past the Frat houses. It made me think of the last time I was through here. That night I was driving around and I thought that Sorority Row was going to attack.
I walked towards the University Public Library but forgot to take a picture. I did update my twitter feed and my facebook status while I was there. Now it was time to walk back towards Capitol Hill. University Bridge is a nice walk so I went that way.
I walked towards the University Public Library but forgot to take a picture. I did update my twitter feed and my facebook status while I was there. Now it was time to walk back towards Capitol Hill. University Bridge is a nice walk so I went that way.
I took two very similiar pictures off the bridge. Very subtle differences between the two. I like both pictures. Hitting the home stretch. I decided to walk the flat path towards downtown before cutting up the hill. I almost walked downtown to visit the Comic Book Shop but decided to go home first. My body needed the bathroom. And then I saw the stairs.

Turns out I had to go all the way up the stairs to 10th Ave E. There was not a trail that I could find that let me bypass the rest of the stairs. My thigh muscles killing me, my heart attacking, I made it to the top. Still feeling okay, I walked from Howe to Harrison. I bought a vegetable plate and then went to Capitol Hill Library to update my Facebook status.
Finally, I went home and it was a little after 17:00. Not bad for a little afternoon walk. The trick is to repeat it sooner rather than later. And Friday is my next day off.
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