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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Insane Walk to 3 Libraries

I was up early this morning and I wanted to walk. That is my new day off activity. It used to be driving around but I need more exercise. First stop today when I finally left around 12:15 was the Capitol Hill Library. I was returning the items I checked out the day before.

Next stop was in Volunteer Park. I figured since I was walking, I would walk up the Water Tower. A block away from the park, I saw this weird little car.

Then I got to the Water Tower. Yes, I climbed to the top. Yes, I had to pause at the landings. Hopefully one of these days I can run all the way up.
Views from the top of the Water Tower.

As I left the Water Tower, I found this circular block sitting in the grass. A random block of concrete is always a good find.
Moving on from the park, I kept going towards the Montlake Bridge. I went over the University Bridge on Sunday, I figured Montlake Bridge today. To get there, I came across a forest with a path going through it. I hoped it would take me down the hill and get me closer to Montlake. As I walked through the forest, I came across a woman and her Corgi. The reason I mention this person is she was putting her make-up on in the forest. OKAY.

Then I ran across these construction guys fixing some steps on a slope.
Finally made it to the bottom of the forest. Thankfully, there was a trail.
Then I came across a Greek Orthodox church. Of course, I was going the wrong way and I did not know it at the time.

I should have realized when I passed under the 520 without seeing Montlake Bridge. I finally saw the gas station that is my landmark for the Montlake Bridge and realized that I was walking towards the University Bridge instead of the Montlake Bridge. I got to Eleventh Ave, saw the University Bridge and went, "Fuck, I gotta backtrack."
I made it to Montlake Branch finally. I went in and used an Express Internet Terminal to update Facebook. Just as I was finishing, Emily made an appearance. I was hoping she was working today. Otherwise the backtracking I had to do to get here would not have been worth it.
I got on my way and passed over the Montlake Bridge. I love walking over water. I just have to remember not to jump. I stayed on the east side of the road. On Sunday I was on the west side of the road which includes the Burke Gilman Trail. The East side has Husky Stadium. I caught a Women's Soccer team at practice. When I first saw the field, I could not tell which direction they were playing. It almost looked like they were using four goals at one time. I walked through student parking where they have these crossover bridges from the campus. The bridges had two sets of stairs coming down. I would walk up one set and walk down the other. It was pretty cool.

I made it past the parking. I was across the street from University Village shopping center. I got this picture of a stream that runs under 45th Avenue. I had to wait forever to cross 45th. The light would not change. I had hit the cross signal on one side and then after waiting forever, I walked over and hit the other signal and the light finally changed.

QFC had a special on Gala Apples so I got one. I prefer Red Delicious but a Gala will do if it is cheaper. I ate my apple near the Apple store and then I got some Jamba Juice and a pretzel.
This is the point where I gave up on Sunday and took the bus. I decided that my feet were still doing pretty good so I kept walking. Not sure where I wanted to go but needing new surroundings, I walked up 45th. That is one steep hill that does not seem to end.
Getting to the main part of the University district, I had to walk past the Frat houses. It made me think of the last time I was through here. That night I was driving around and I thought that Sorority Row was going to attack.
I walked towards the University Public Library but forgot to take a picture. I did update my twitter feed and my facebook status while I was there. Now it was time to walk back towards Capitol Hill. University Bridge is a nice walk so I went that way.

I took two very similiar pictures off the bridge. Very subtle differences between the two. I like both pictures. Hitting the home stretch. I decided to walk the flat path towards downtown before cutting up the hill. I almost walked downtown to visit the Comic Book Shop but decided to go home first. My body needed the bathroom. And then I saw the stairs.

I could not resist climbing these stairs. I had gone by them for years and I have wondered where they go. Since today was a day for walking, I took the stairs. I was hoping I could cut across near Summit so I would have a straight shot home. It did not work out that way. The guy coming down the stairs is hard to see in the picture. By the time I made it to Broadway E (which is only one landing), I was doubled over trying to catch my breath and this guy passes me. I went, "No fair, you were going down when I started up." His reply, "I cheated."
Turns out I had to go all the way up the stairs to 10th Ave E. There was not a trail that I could find that let me bypass the rest of the stairs. My thigh muscles killing me, my heart attacking, I made it to the top. Still feeling okay, I walked from Howe to Harrison. I bought a vegetable plate and then went to Capitol Hill Library to update my Facebook status.
Finally, I went home and it was a little after 17:00. Not bad for a little afternoon walk. The trick is to repeat it sooner rather than later. And Friday is my next day off.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Walk to University Village Jamba Juice

Sunday October 4, 2009
Items: Jamba Juice Power size Strawberries Wild with Energy and Apple Cinnamon Pretzel

On Sunday, I felt like taking a walk. For me to take a walk, it helps to have a destination. Being Sunday, the Jamba Juice on Madison was closed. The next closest Jamba Juice is in the University Village. I forgot to take my camera and I did not have any headphones for my mp3 player. The only thing to show I made the walk was the receipt. The University Bridge is a nice walk. I walked over the Burke Gilman trail. I even picked up some sticks that were all over the trail. I must make that walk again. The sun was nice and bright out. I think I even got a little sunburn while I was drinking my juice.

I did cheat to get home though. I took the bus back to the hill. I wore some bad shoes that gave me some nice blisters. This map is not 100% accurate for the route I took but trying to change the route was difficult.
I was looking over the route and it says 4.1 miles. I really did not think it was that far. And the fact that I made it in 1 hour 20 minutes, I think is really good. I made the distance in the time that Google says it would take me to get there. Now to do the distance there and back is the next trick.