This is supposed to be on a bus. I find it funny that the Atheist gets tampered with but the Mormon signs are left alone. Does this tell you that religious people are not very tolerant individuals or is that just what I pick up?
For a long time I would say I was Atheist because of the reasons that people turn to a higher power – Alcoholics Anonymous, personal irresponsibility, and other reasons. Then I realized that I was Agnostic not because I want to believe in the Jew Christian God but because I like comic books and want to believe in the Greek and Norse Gods. Thor, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Athena, and other gods from those Pantheons. I have liked Greek mythologies since I was a little and that made me realize that to believe in the possibility of those Gods, I would have to be Agnostic not Atheist.
Recently, I have learned of another movement as well, Skeptics. I have not done any research into Skepticism so I really do not know how that would fit in my beliefs. To my quick thoughts on the matter, I would believe that Skepticism is the movement for science to replace belief. That is probably not accurate but that is my quick thought on the matter.
The other reason that I find myself more drawn to Agnostic beliefs is the fact that I want to believe in Santa Clause and Satan. Santa brings presents. Goodwill and peace to man. I think Santa is an excellent reason to have a winter holiday.
Satan was kicked out of heaven for wanting equal treatment as humans. Angels were to be subservient to humans and Satan/Lucifer did not like that. He felt that humans and angels should be treated equally. To me that makes Lucifer/Satan the first person to fight for Equal rights. At least that is the perception on events as they were presented to me a long time ago.
Usually I keep these thoughts in my head but seeing this sign torn off a bus and put next to the trash cans, just got to me this evening.