A place to throw everything. Sometimes you buy stuff, sometimes you steal stuff, sometimes you need to put your drunk friends in the back. And sometimes you just feel like carrying a couch around to sit on when you are parked somewhere.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday Night at the Deluxe
Then I went to the Deluxe for Burger-Rama. $4.99 for a good Bacon Onion Avocado burger plus fries is a tough deal to beat. Plus 2 beers and I was ready to go home. I did manage to get a line or two written at the library and at the Deluxe. At the Deluxe I sat next to this really warm fireplace.
After the Deluxe I came down to the Summit and ran into Chris, Brittany, and Dora. Dora is the smallest dog I know. Also the quietest and stillest dog I have seen. I never see her move. I never hear her.
A couple drinks at the Summit. Some good conversation. I was good to go home. I did not finish my letter but I had a good time. And what is more important?
Friday, December 17, 2010
Drive out to Redmond
Took Ryan out to the Summit last night. We were drinking and having a good time. I was waiting to buy another round and was behind this woman. She was being carded and taking a while to order a drink. I heard mention of not having any money so I motioned to Colt (bartender) to put her drink on my tab. I invited her back to the table to join Ryan and myself. Long conversation followed. Linda came and joined us. Four people at the table with the new person supplying most of the conversation. Which worked for all of us. We did not have to rehash the same old conversations that we three always have together.
The girl gave me a new nickname, “Captain Spaulding”.
I guess I looked like Captain Spaulding from the 2 movies, “The Devil’s Rejects” and “House of 1,000 Corpses.” I may have to dress like the Captain at the next costume event I attend.
Picture of the person I drove out to Redmond
The night was pretty good and I had a lot of fun. Though one thing did stand out.
Best Part of the night:
Coming back from Redmond at 02:00 a.m. and getting the same parking spot outside the side entrance of my apartment building.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Fuel Sports Bar Friday December 10, 2010
My friends were playing this bar tonight. I missed them performing but I did catch some of the next band.
I got to hang out with some of my friends and talked to some new people. And some people drove me home after the show.
Earlier in the day I rode the ferry out to Bremerton. I got a nice picture from the Sunset Ferry ride back to Seattle.
I came back to Seattle for a Union meeting. The Union meeting went on for ever. That is why I was late for the show at Fuel. I should have just left the meeting but I wanted to hear all the people that were going to speak.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Ripped Pants
I ripped some pants on Wednesday. I was wearing shorts on Thursday at work. I looked at the work load and thought I should go home early. I asked to go home and was told I could go at 14:00. I thought great. I did have Friday off and could have gone shopping on Friday but I wanted to go on Thursday so I could sleep in on Friday. I left work a little after 14:00 and went to pick up my truck.
I drove up to Northgate Mall so I could go to JC Penney’s. There was a bunch of traffic so it took me a little while to get to the Mall. I then spent a lot of time looking at clothes. I needed pants but I was not sure of how many to buy. I was not sure of the quantity to buy either. Should I buy 2 pairs just to replace the ones I ripped or should I buy 4 pairs so I have some back-ups? I eventually ended up on buying 2 pairs of pants. The pants took me a while to find though. I guess 32 inseams are popular. With the weight I have put on over the last couple of months, I was not sure what size I should buy. I went with a bigger size than the pair I ripped. I figured that buying a size a little bigger might help.
I spent over two hours looking at clothes. I looked at shirts and pants. I found this great shiny gray dress shirt. Unfortunately the shirt was a little too big. Eventually I found a shiny blue shirt. And the size was good. Then I had to find a tie. I got this other shirt too. With a new tie for that shirt too.
The blue sweater that I am currently wearing is pretty nice. Looks good and I like the color are two things that work for me. The warmth is a little much though. This sweater is not good to wear at work. The blue sweater is warmer than the gray fleece sweater that I have been wearing. The last thing that I found were some longer length boxers. Not only are the legs longer than normal boxers, I like the blue pattern ones and the black pattern ones I found. Normally I do not like anything other than a plain pattern but I can live with the patterns I found.
What else did I pick up on this day?
Boxers, shirts, ties, sweater, pants
I guess that covers everything.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
What the hell is sleep?
What the fuck am I doing this evening? I need to go to work early in the morning but here I am at the bar. Only 21:40 but still. I have not slept since Sunday. I woke up early on Monday. And I did not sleep last night. My heart was pounding because I accidently drank some caffeine. The caffeine was part of this fruit smoothie that had green tea as an ingredient. I looked for caffeine but I forgot to look for other things that might have caffeine, like green tea.
Yesterday, I stayed home from work in the hope that I would sleep. I did not sleep but I did watch a lot of television. I have been working through Stargate: SG1 for the past month. There are ten seasons and I am now on Season 8. I think on Friday I was on Season 6. Or was that season 5? I have been watching way too much television
Monday, November 15, 2010
Haunted by faces
Haunted by voices
Haunted by dreams
Haunting my desires
Haunting my life
Haunting my world
Anything I touch
Anything I write
Anything I do
Days get better
Days get worse
Days get dreams
You are thought
You are force
You are everywhere
Still with you
Still with moments
Still with cherish
When do I
When do you
When do you
Friday, November 5, 2010
Cell Phone #3
Phone 1 – dropped it getting out of my truck on January 4
Phone 2 – in my pocket when I slipped off a sand bag into the ocean when I was in Mexico
Phone 3 – in my left front pocket that hit the edge of a table at work
These were all the same models of phone.
The new Windows Phone 7 is coming out on the 8th of November. I have been thinking of getting one. This provides a nice excuse to get a new phone.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Coca-Cola Anniversary 2010
Today is the day in 1999 that I stopped drinking Coca-Cola Classic. For a long time, I kept an emergency Coke in my house. My friend Linda drank my last Coke. I need to get a new bottle at some point in the future.
I have not wanted to drink a Coke until I find a 3 liter bottle. I hear rumors that 3 liter bottles are available in the South. On my trip to Mexico on my birthday I did find a 2.5 liter bottle. Not quite the same but I was so tempted. If I could have brought the bottle back on the plane, I would have bought the bottle.
Today, I would like some Coke in front of me so I can savor the smell.
This year has been tough. I do not think I have wanted a Coke more than I have wanted one this year.
If you see me today and I have a Coke bottle in hand, you have permission to beat me over the head with the bottle.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Suicidal Tendencies Day
I was downtown so I got a Turkey and Swiss Croissant at Specialties. Then I went to the Central library to look up the South Park Library. I wanted to make sure I knew where the library was this time. I tried to find the branch a couple months ago but did not have any luck.
I found my way to the South Park Library around 17:00.
Around the South Park neighborhood, there were several cool yards.
I took that picture of the sunset while I was waiting for a bus to take me back to the Showbox Sodo.
On the way back to the SoDo, I got caught by the 1st Avenue drawbridge.
I had not realized that in all my travels, I had not walked over the 1st Avenue bridge until today. I thought I had crossed all the major bridges in Seattle. Now that the 1st Avenue bridge has been walked over, what other bridge is there to cross? I guess there is the Mercer Island to Bellevue span plus the 520 but the 520 does not have pedestrian access.
Getting back to the Showbox SoDo, I bought my ticket for the show. Then I went over to Hooverville to drink before the doors opened.
Hanging out at Hooverville made me think of the last time I was here. One of the best concerts I have ever attended started at Hooverville. Pretty sure the company made that concert.
Thinking about the company I had the last time made this evening tense. I can not think of a better word than tense for how thinking about the last time made me feel.
Good thing I was in a mosh pit later in the evening. That allowed me to get some aggravation out about my life. Not enough. I am not into hurting other people and that is a mosh pit to me. I want to hurt PEOPLE. When I finally allowed myself to relax and push back, I did start to feel better.
One guy in front of me got violent. He choked one guy and started hitting some other guy. Staff came in from behind me and started moving people. I decided to leave at that point. 20 minutes into Suicidal Tendencies but 3 hours inside the pit. I got two new shirts to replace my favorite shirt so all in all an okay concert.
On my way back to downtown I caught bus route 18. The nice woman driver who took me to the Central Saloon the night before picked me up. Got to downtown and rode a different bus up the hill.
I finished my night at the Summit Public House. Talked to some people I had not seen in a while.
All in all, I had a good day even if I was tired and sore.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
One Year Ago
This weekend last year, I met a woman who changed my life. I have more to say on this woman and my life but I still can not bring myself to write.
I am going to go get drunk.
Put some random words into the tags associated with this post and you can figure out the rest.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Matthews Beach
On Friday, I went to a new beach to meet my friend Sheri. Matthews Beach has a nice lawn but the water is not as good as at Madison Beach. The aquatic weeds need some serious pruning. I guess it is the end of the season so that will wait until next year.
Scary spider in the Men’s room was spinning up some food.
After the beach, we went to the Ravenna Alehouse. Couple beers and a chicken sandwich for myself. French dip for Sheri. I liked the food.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Madison Beach
On Thursday I went out to Madison Beach Park. I was getting some sun when I contacted Emily. While texting with Emily, Glen called. Made plans to meet Emily at my place. Possibly going to Bremerton which means changing plans with Emily. Glen called me back and said not to worry about Bremerton.
Emily and I went to the beach and got some sun. I did some swimming. Drinking beers at the beach is fun. Emily made a to go bottle of Greyhound (vodka and grapefruit). Pretty good fun at the beach.
After the beach, we went to the Highline on Broadway. I had two good drinks. One was Spire Cider and the other was the Duchess. Then we went to a Salvadorian restaurant. Good Mahi Mahi tacos with some other food that I do not remember the name.
Having fun at the beach with a friend is much better than going alone.